
Learn more about how GearingUp’s clinical team works with clients to achieve their goals and change their lives.

Our Areas of Expertise


Anxiety is now the number one mental health diagnosis in the United States.

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5 minutes

Child and Adolescent Specialists

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2 minutes

Cultivating A Life Worth Living

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2 minutes


Depression is such a demoralizing state of being, it’s a deeply affecting mood disorder.

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2 minutes

Long Lasting Results

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1 minute

Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI)

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4 minutes

Ongoing Clinical Training

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1 minute

Perinatal Bereavement and Loss Recovery

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1 minute

Postpartum Depression

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2 minutes

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) Therapy Support

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1 minute

Reproductive Trauma

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1 minute


We respect the science behind trauma treatment.

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3 minutes